Does Creatine Make You Sleepy? What Science Says

“Does creatine make you sleepy?” This question has been floating around, creating a mix of curiosity and concern among fitness enthusiasts.

While creatine is renowned for its performance-enhancing properties, the link to sleepiness remains a topic of debate.

In this article, we’ll delve into the evidence, shedding light on this intriguing query.

Let’s get to the bottom of it.

Scientific Insights on Creatine and Sleepiness

Creatine and science

Scientific studies have found no connection between creatine use and sleepiness.

While creatine boosts muscle energy and cognitive function, its role in causing drowsiness isn’t scientifically proven.

Some users might report fatigue, but these claims lack solid evidence.

But while the direct link between creatine and sleepiness remains unproven, there are several mechanisms through which creatine might influence one’s perception of tiredness.

Potential Mechanisms and Factors Influencing Perceived Sleepiness

Creatine’s Impact on Brain Energy

Creatine is renowned for its role in enhancing muscle energy.

However, it also influences brain energy levels by aiding in ATP synthesis, a crucial molecule for cellular energy.

While there’s a connection between creatine and brain energy, current research doesn’t directly associate this with altered sleep patterns.

Dehydration and Fatigue

Creatine promotes water retention within muscle cells. This increased intracellular water might lead to a reduced overall hydration status if adequate water isn’t consumed.

Dehydration, in turn, is a known factor for inducing feelings of fatigue.

Thus, it’s essential for individuals using creatine to ensure they maintain proper hydration levels to counteract potential tiredness.

Increased Workout Intensity

High intensity workout

Creatine’s primary benefit is its ability to enhance athletic performance.

With increased energy reserves, individuals often find themselves capable of more intense and prolonged workouts.

While this is beneficial for muscle growth and endurance, it can lead to increased fatigue post-exercise.

It’s the aftermath of a rigorous workout, rather than the direct effect of creatine.

Interactions with Other Supplements or Medications

While creatine on its own has a well-understood profile, its interaction with other supplements or medications is less clear.

Some combinations might exacerbate feelings of sleepiness.

As always, it’s advisable for individuals to consult with healthcare professionals when considering multiple supplements or when on medication.

Solutions for Those Concerned About Sleepiness with Creatine

Stay Hydrated

Hydration during workout

Water is the elixir of life, and when you’re on creatine, its importance magnifies.

Creatine increases water retention in muscles, which can sometimes lead to dehydration if you’re not drinking enough.

Dehydration, even mild, can cause feelings of fatigue. So, keep that water bottle handy and ensure you’re sipping throughout the day.

It’s not just about quenching thirst; it’s about keeping fatigue at bay.

Monitor Dosage and Timing

While creatine itself doesn’t directly cause sleepiness, it’s essential to be aware of potential side effects that could indirectly lead to feelings of fatigue.

Overconsumption of creatine can sometimes result in diarrhea and dehydration.

Both of these conditions can disrupt the body’s water balance, leading to a tired feeling.

It’s crucial to adhere to recommended dosages.

If you’re new to creatine, consider starting with a lower dose and gradually increasing as your body adjusts.

Consultation with Healthcare Professionals


Certain medications can induce feelings of tiredness, and it might not always be evident that they’re the cause.

If you’re experiencing unexpected fatigue while using creatine, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional.

They can assess if other medications or factors in your health profile might be contributing to the drowsiness.

Their guidance ensures that you harness the benefits of creatine optimally, prioritizing your overall well-being.

Supplements should elevate your health, not detract from it.

Common Misconceptions

The Nocebo Effect

A fascinating aspect of human psychology is the nocebo effect, where individuals experience negative changes based solely on their belief in a treatment’s potential side effects.

When it comes to creatine and sleepiness, it’s possible that some users might feel drowsy simply because they’ve heard or read about such effects, even if there’s no physiological basis for it.

It’s essential to differentiate between actual side effects and those that might arise from one’s expectations.

Individual Variability

Just as no two individuals are alike, reactions to supplements can vary widely.

Factors such as genetics, metabolism, and overall health can influence how one’s body responds to creatine.

While the majority might not experience any sleep-related side effects, a small fraction of users might have unique reactions.

Addressing Common Concerns

Should You Stop Taking Creatine If You’re Getting Tired?

If you’re feeling unusually fatigued after starting creatine supplementation, it might be worth taking a short break to assess if creatine is the cause.

During this pause, monitor your energy levels and see if there’s an improvement. Ensure you’re staying hydrated, as dehydration can lead to fatigue.

Also, review any other supplements or medications you’re taking, as they might interact with creatine.

If the tiredness persists even after stopping creatine, other factors might be at play.

However, if you determine creatine is the cause, consider adjusting the dosage, switching to a different type or brand, or consulting with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Does The Brand of Creatine Matter When It Comes To Feeling Tired?

The type of creatine you choose can influence your experience with the supplement.

While the core compound, creatine, remains consistent across brands, the purity, formulation, and additional ingredients can differ.

Some brands might incorporate additives, or fillers, or use lower-quality creatine, which could potentially contribute to feelings of tiredness or other side effects.

However, it’s crucial to understand that there isn’t concrete scientific evidence directly linking specific brands or formulations of creatine to feelings of tiredness.

Instead, the variations in feelings might be more related to individual reactions or the presence of other ingredients in the product.

Does The Type of Creatine Matter When It Comes To Feeling Tired?

Creatine is available in various forms, with monohydrate and hydrochloride being among the most common.

Both types aim to enhance energy production in the body, but they differ in terms of absorption rates and solubility.

Importantly, scientific evidence doesn’t indicate that any specific form of creatine directly causes sleepiness.


In our exploration of creatine’s potential link to sleepiness, the prevailing evidence suggests no direct correlation.

However, individual responses can vary, and factors like hydration, dosage, and interactions with other supplements or medications can play a role.

As with any supplement, it’s crucial to listen to your body and consult with healthcare professionals when in doubt.

We invite you to share your experiences or questions below.

Abdelkader is the driving force behind Muscle Optimum. Over a decade in the fitness world, he's gathered a wealth of knowledge on exercise and nutrition. And yes, he truly lives and breathes fitness.

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