Is Creatine Natty? The Final Verdict

Is creatine natty? If you’ve ever wondered, the clear answer is yes, Creatine is a natural supplement. This guide will show you the science that backs it up.

We’ll take a closer look at what creatine is, where you can find it, and why it’s considered natural.

If you’re curious about this popular supplement, keep reading for all the details.

What is Creatine?

Creatine is a unique molecule made up of three amino acids: arginine, glycine, and methionine. It’s not something cooked up in a lab; your own body produces it naturally, primarily in the liver. But it’s not just an internal affair.

You can also get creatine from your diet, especially if you eat red meat or fish. Just a heads-up, though: cooking can reduce the creatine content in these foods.

Biological Role and Effects of Creatine on the Body

Creatine is more than just a popular gym supplement; it’s a biochemical powerhouse with a multifaceted impact on both physical and cognitive performance.

Energy Metabolism and Physical Performance

Is Your Dominant Arm Weaker

Creatine plays a key role in the body’s energy metabolism, specifically in the rapid regeneration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy currency for cellular activities.

This is crucial for high-intensity, short-duration activities like sprinting or lifting weights, where ATP stores are rapidly depleted.

The result? Improved performance and endurance in high-intensity workouts.

Muscle Contraction

The energy provided by ATP is essential for muscle contraction. Creatine’s role in ATP regeneration becomes particularly crucial during anaerobic activities, where the oxygen supply is limited.

This makes creatine indispensable for athletes and fitness enthusiasts involved in sports that require quick bursts of energy.

Cognitive Function and Benefits

But creatine’s role isn’t limited to muscle and athletic performance; it also supports the brain’s energy demands.

Some studies suggest that creatine supplementation can improve cognitive functions like memory and attention and may even have neuroprotective effects.

This makes it a valuable asset not just for athletes but also for anyone looking to boost their mental performance.

Creatine in Everyday Diet


For those who consume animal products, red meats like beef and lamb, as well as fish such as salmon and tuna, are good dietary sources of creatine. Poultry also offers smaller amounts.

If you’re following a plant-based diet, it’s important to note that fruits and vegetables don’t contain creatine.

For vegans and vegetarians, creatine levels can be lower, and the most effective way to increase those levels is through supplementation.

Addressing Common Questions

This section aims to clear up some of the most common questions people have about creatine, especially concerning its ‘natty’ status.

If I Take Creatine, Am I Still Considered Natural?

Yes, you are. Creatine is a naturally occurring compound that your body produces and that you can also obtain from certain foods.

It’s not a synthetic drug, and it’s not on any banned substance lists in sports or health organizations.

Can Creatine Cause You to Fail a Drug Test?

No worries here—creatine won’t make you fail a drug test. These tests are designed to detect illegal substances and certain performance-enhancing drugs, not naturally occurring compounds like creatine.

Is Creatine a Form of Testosterone or a Steroid?

Creatine is neither. It doesn’t affect your hormone levels or provide unnatural muscle growth.

It simply aids in energy production, which can improve your performance in high-intensity activities.

Is Creatine a Performance-Enhancing Drug (PED)?

Creatine doesn’t fit the typical “PED” label. It’s not classified as such by sports organizations and is not banned in athletic competitions.

It’s a naturally occurring substance that helps improve performance by aiding in energy production.

Does Creatine Count as a Natural Bodybuilding Supplement?

In the context of bodybuilding, creatine is considered a natural supplement.

As mentioned above, it’s a compound that your body produces naturally, and it’s also found in foods like meat and fish.

So, if you’re aiming for a “natural” bodybuilding status, creatine is a supplement you can take without any ethical or regulatory concerns.


We hope this comprehensive guide has shed light on the natural aspects of creatine. The verdict is clear: Creatine is as natural as it gets.

Whether you’re an athlete looking to boost your performance or someone curious about the benefits of this supplement, creatine is a natural choice worth considering.

Now we’re curious to know what you think about creatine. Have questions or experiences to share? Feel free to drop a comment below. We’d love to hear from you!

Abdelkader is the driving force behind Muscle Optimum. Over a decade in the fitness world, he's gathered a wealth of knowledge on exercise and nutrition. And yes, he truly lives and breathes fitness.

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